MAY 2020
Face It Skin Cosmetics is the result of an online business focused on promoting a new era of products that not only accomplish the purpose of skincare, but also introduce sustainable products that are good for your skin and the environment. I worked in a team of four on this company and as the only design major in this group I was tasked on developing the brand identity, mocking up the products and designing the website. 
The Premise
The average person living in North America will go through 220 pounds of plastic in one year. The majority of it is plastic packaging. We conducted a survey and interviewed potential target users about our business concept. We found two categories in our data, opinions on sustainability and opinions on skincare. There was an emphasis on obtaining/using sustainable materials for products and its packaging and all users associated the word “Environment” with sustainability. However, they were unsure about all the different skincare products available on the market and wished their current skincare routine was more convenient and took less time. 
Over 40% associated sustainability with the environment
Over 40% associated sustainability with the environment
Over 70% associate packaging with sustainability
Over 70% associate packaging with sustainability
Transparency in Ingredients & Formulations
Transparency in Ingredients & Formulations
Too many skincare options to choose from
Too many skincare options to choose from
Routine takes too much time & Products do not help with skin concern
Routine takes too much time & Products do not help with skin concern
Over 80% of people are willing to pay more for premium sustainable packaging.
Over 80% of people are willing to pay more for premium sustainable packaging.
The Solution
Here at Face it, we are passionate about the environment and sustainability, and we aim to tackle this issue head-on. Our products are all packaged in hemp and our ingredients are sourced sustainably. We are a company focused on skincare that is sustainable, quick and easy, and appeals to all genders. 
The Website
Our website features an about page, a shop page, a blog page, and a contact page. The about page of our website showcases my team and their reason for developing this company. The shop page displays all our products and their information where consumers can purchase. Our blog page displays the research we found. 
The Marketing Strategy
Our marketing plan consisted of digital marketing using social media platforms such as Youtube, Instagram and Facebook, to increase our brand awareness, introduce our products and promote sustainability. We chose these three marketing channels because they are the most used platforms for our target audience and they emphasize strong visuals.  
1st Online Campaign: Brand Awareness
This will show how our company implements sustainable practices in our manufacturing and products. There will references and links to external sources to increase our credibility and states our company’s stance on business practices and policies involving sustainability
2nd Online Campaign: Product Promotion
This will inform potential customers about our products, emphasize the key ingredients and educate them on why these ingredients are effective. Our campaign will use strong, clear visuals and short descriptions that will draw customers to our website to learn more.
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